Sunday, June 20, 2010

Has it really been a year?

Yes, yes it has. I can't believe I haven't blogged in a year! Basically it comes down to only allowing myself one vice and well....of course that is FB. The true time suck, so there you go.

But here we are...10 days into having a 2-year-old and boy what an interesting ride it has been!! Everyone always says, "oh the terrible twos" and I think, "yeah right!" This is not something that I have to worry about because I've basically been living it the past two years! I don't think there has EVER been a time that I didn't have a wild man on my hands so who cares about two??!! Well yet again, I was wrong! In the past two weeks, I've seen a marked difference in my sweet adorable child. The playing is getting rougher, the tempers are getting longer and the manipulation is in full, what the hell did I get myself into?

I really prefer not to use the term "terrible twos"....I prefer teachable twos....basically he just has to learn. This is the beginning of Jason and I sticking together and becoming a unified force against our very strong-willed child. Of course, he is so sweet and those moments that are rare that he wants to give lots of hugs and kisses, I store away and hold on tight forever. The thought that there will be a time where he doesn't want to hug and kiss me all day makes me want to cry just writing it. I'm supposed to be the most important person in his life forever....*sigh* of course that is not the case. But for now I can work on molding him into a well rounded, loving and most of all kind and considerate member of society. He's already one of the funniest people I know so we must be doing something right....

Happy 2nd Birthday Noah Carter

Noah: Your dad and I love you more and more each day!!