Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Noah -The First 6 Months!

The first 6 months with Noah have been such a blessing, joy, challenge and fun all wrapped into one. The best Christmas present we could ever have! It's still so hard to believe he's been here with us since June - the time has flown by and here we are at Christmas! It feels like he has always been with us. Jason and I are so grateful for all our family and friends who have supported us and been so wonderful to Noah. I feel so blessed to have so many friends that have babies around the same age as Noah and to experience being first time mommies together! Here is a recap of the past 6 months:


Jessica said...

I can't believe he is 6 months already! He has gotten so big. We look forward to seeing you guys this weekend. Hopefully I can get some family pictures of you all!

Anonymous said...

Wow 6 months already, he is so awesome, I can't wait to see you guys on the 20th. Have an awesome weekend and especially Sunday!!!