Sunday, October 5, 2008

Here's to You - Bunco Ladies!

So I've been an avid myspace fan for quite some time now (funny story how that came into being) and eventually joined facebook...just because. But had made it pretty clear that I was solely a myspace girl and didn't need another vice! But now that I'm a mom - yes I can hardly believe it myself - I have ALL this extra time on my hands...yeah right:)

So I was sitting at my monthly bunco group encouraging one of the girls from my Providence crew to "jump on the bandwagon" and join facebook also because well "everyone is doing it!" which led to my explanation behind the two sites and the main reasons why I like myspace better:

  1. You can select music to play on your page-you cannot on facebook

  2. You can change your background with different templates -you cannot on facebook

  3. You can view people's pages that you don't necessarily want to be your friend-you cannot on facebook (unless of course you're one of those obnoxious people that makes your page private)

Which they all get should a blog then! So there you have it...I'm officially a blogger! So thanks for checking out my site and getting a glimpse into our family- Jason, Kim, Noah & Serenity (the cat)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Yay, I'm so glad you have a blog now! It is so fun. I check mine everyday! You can totally customize it and write about anything you want. Welcome to the world of blogging!!