Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekend of Fun!

Very rarely do Jason and I have free weekends - it always seems like there is something going on! So we thought after two weekends in a row of being out of town, we would finally have a relaxing weekend at home as a family- and it did happen...sort of:)

My best friend Jodi was home for the week visiting with her family so I knew that was on the top of my "to do" list and what an awesome time that was! I finally got to meet Makenzie Riley Potter and she was SO sweet! I started out the weekend by meeting Jodi and her mom for lunch at a new italian restaurant over in Ashburn and then went back to their house in Belmont to visit for the rest of the afternoon. Then Joy came by for a visit when she got out of school and finally all three of our babies finally got to meet - it was so special! Then that night, our old softball team had asked Jason if he wouldn't mind filling in to play so I left Jodi's and headed over to the fields to meet him and visit with everyone again. It was so cold out but Noah did great and was even forgiving since we kept him out past his bedtime.

On Saturday, we finally had the chance to lay around and do nothing which was great! Of course Noah diligently stuck to his new sleeping schedule (9pm-6am), so I was up with him bright and early at 6am watching the sun come up while Jason got a few more hours sleep. Thankfully, I took a nap later on since none of us have been getting a lot of sleep recently with a hectic family schedule. Later in the afternoon, my dad called to say that our relatives were in town visiting my grandmother at the nursing home and asked if my aunt and uncle could come meet Noah. So my parents and them stopped by for a visit and then we headed to dinner to celebrate my aunt's upcoming birthday.

Finally, Sunday we had been invited to two things so we were just hoping Noah would have another good day out since we knew we'd be gone quite awhile and he was super sweet long as we were feeding him of course! We went back over to Jodi's parents house and met up with Joy and Brian so all the guys could meet the babies since they didn't get the chance on Fri. It was so wonderful being all together and sad that it can't be like this all the time. Jodi said "if I lived here we could have playdates every week" and her mom said "more like everyday for a sanity break" from our fussy babies:) My mom also stopped by to give Makenzie some presents and see Jodi also. Then we headed to the Sinclairs to watch the Redskins take on the Browns and thankfully won the game even though it was way too close for a game we should have won. Noah once again was totally spoiled and got to be held by his grandparents, Ed and Carolyn, John and Sherry (new grandparents to twin boys Jack and Ryan!) and Marjorie from church! Below are a few pictures to share from the weekend:)

All in all, it was a fabulous weekend! Jason and I feel so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family and next weekend we're hoping to make the trip out to beautiful Harper's Ferry WV to see the leaves change and take the ghost tour through town in honor of Halloween!

Jodi and Makenzie
Daddy and Noah

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we need about 100 picture frames for all the great pictures we've taken in the past 20 weeks, love ya :=)